Monday, November 23, 2015

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction is one of the most notorious action movies and Quentin Tarantino's biggest movie. The story line is pretty simple, it follows 2 hitmen in their daily lives and a corrupted boxer. Samuel Jackson and Johnny Travolta play Jules and Vincent, the 2 hitmen, working for Marsellus Wallace who hires them to retrieve a suitcase. The suitcase is just another mysterious element to this movie that keeps the watcher on the edge of their seat. We never really find out what's inside the suitcase, some say its drugs, money, or Marsellus Wallace's soul. 
        Pulp Fiction is such a recognized movie because of its displacement in almost everything. The conversations between the 2 hitmen sound like 2 coworkers from Costco who are on lunch break, and the final scene is probably the most unexpecting scene in cinema history. Between dialogue, scenes, and the outfits Jules and Vincent have to wear, this movie is as unpredictable as it gets. Whether there is action or no action, this movie keeps you guessing.

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