Monday, April 25, 2016

Leaving High school...

With my high school career ending in six short days, I am reflecting on the way Christian Brothers Academy has shaped me as a person.  Four long years at the academy can do a lot for a naive fourteen year old coming out of middle school. Coming into high school, there was a long list of stuff I didn’t know, and more stuff I thought I knew.
    Since I came from one of the smaller towns (Monmouth Beach)  in the area, I was fortunate enough to “breeze through middle school”. Literally not having to lift a finger as far as school work came, I was kind of attacked by CBA classes when I arrived. I remember the first weeks of CBA, there was the freshman run and a whole lot of orientation introducing our class to the academy. Looking back on it, I can remember myself thinking “I’m so bored of sitting around and listening to people talk, I wish classes would just start” and boy was I wrong. The most difficult part of freshman year, for me, was the biology midterm. Not only was it my first real science class, and my first exam, it was the first mid term on the schedule. I thought “Okay, I can study for this the night before.” and I cannot write in words how wrong I was.
    After freshman year, CBA didn’t seem as bad. I made friends with people who I probably would never had met, I got to go to places where I probably never would have been, and I got to do it all with a good education and athletic leadership. 

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