Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man

In 1988, Rain Man came out starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. It brought Dustin Hoffman his second Oscar, this one for best supporting actor, despite the fact that he thought this was his worst acting while on set. If you haven't seen this movie, Dustin Hoffman plays the role of an autistic mathematics genius.

Only a few actors have pulled off playing a mentally ill character in movies throughout history, but Hoffman somehow manages to be identical to someone with borderline autism. In the movie he is wrongly diagnosed with autism because his doctor was late to a golf tournament, hence the reason Rain man says "Sorry you're late to golf" throughout the movie.  Hoffman has these little punchlines that he says throughout the movie that contributes to his acting of an autistic character. He played the role so well that it was hard to tell he wasn't autistic. This was also the first time I ever seen Dustin Hoffman in a movie, and I now cannot imagine him playing a normal role. He played this character so well that Rain man sticks to him just as well as Jack Sparrow to Johnny Depp.

The whole premise of the movie was that Tom Cruise's (Charlie Babbit) father died. Of course, he was extremely rich, but money wasn't what Charlie cared about. Charlie's father had a vintage car he never let him drive, and Charlie never spoke to him since he was 18. So when his father died and he found out he left the car in a will to an autistic man, Charlie had to get to the bottom of it. Charlie goes to "Rain man's" hospitality help and breaks him out.

The whole movie shows what it's like for someone with autism to experience the real world. Charlie has Rain man count cards, remember a telephone-book, and attempt socializing for the first time. It's a dramatic comedy that can touch your heart as you learn along the way the strong relationship Charlie and Rain man never knew they had.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Situation Fails at Roasting Donald Trump

Every so often Comedy Central hosts "Roasts" for celebrities on their
birthdays. If you don't know what a roast is it's basically 6 to 9
people making fun of everything about someone with no remorse. As
cynical as it sounds, at the end of each roast the roaster sends a somewhat sentimental message to the roastee about what they've accomplished.
Most of the roasters on comedy central are actors or writers or stand up
comedians. The roasters of Donald Trump were Seth MacFarlane, Snoop
Dogg, Anthony Jeselnik, Larry King, Whitney Cummings, some others I'm too lazy to type, and lastly, Jersey Shore's Mike "The Situation". The person who owns this show is Jeff Ross, who also participates in the roast.

                                          Mike the Situation is undoubtedly one of those people you see on TV and celebrity events like this and say to yourself "how is that guy famous?". I'm a huge fan of these roasts, so when I saw he was on the roast line up, I had to watch. And when I watched this it was everything I expected. What I laughed at most in this video is the reaction of the people he's roasting. I actually think he didn't do as terrible as he seems, but the way the real comedians and celebrities reacted to his jokes was hilarious. Of course, nothing he said to Donald Trump made sense or was even funny, but when Jeff Ross jumped on stage, it took away the uncomfortable awkwardness everyone watching felt.