Thursday, October 22, 2015

One of my favorite movies directed by one of my favorite directors, Christopher Nolan, Interstellar has the ability to to be one of the most original ideas for a movie. Nothing can be compared to its futuristic, yet present time realism of the portrayal of space and universes. There are movies that involve a real sense of space and astronomy such as Apollo 13 and Space Odyssey, but while watching Interstellar, you actually feel like you are orbiting around a planet (especially in the theater).

Not only is the idea of Interstellar original, but the way it was filmed and the choreography was pure originality. The idea of the soon to be apocalyptic stage of Earth has been seen before, but very few screen writes have told the story of Earth while it was decaying away. Most tend to do post or even pre-apcalyptic movies.  Nolan tells it in a incredible way, and then manages to shoot the movie even better than it was written.
Christopher Nolan, as much as it seemed, didn't use a green screen and CGI effects often. In fact, all the space ships and shuttles were actually built and the scene were they to the water logged planet, was actually a knee deep lake in Iceland. Nolan revolutionized filming and directing movies in Interstellar by the way he displayed the vast and unexplored vacuum known as outer space.

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